Our Commitment to Hiring and Recruiting the Best

The Griffith Police Department, Indiana University Northwest's Center for Urban and Regional Excellence (CURE) and Crossroads YMCA, frequently partner to provide workshops for anyone interested in pursuing a career in law enforcement.  These workshops provide those interested in applying for local law enforcement positions with tips and techniques useful in advancing through the hiring process. In the workshops, IU Northwest School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) faculty lead participants in sessions aimed at enhancing both test-taking and interview skills, which is followed an opportunity for the candidate to participate in a mock interview (interviewers include experienced, local law enforcement officials). YMCA physical fitness professionals, assisted by law enforcement officials, coach participants on how to can succeed in reaching the state mandated standards for physical fitness testing. Attendees also have an opportunity to speak to representatives from local law enforcement agencies about potential employment opportunities.

The next Prepare to Serve and Protect Workshop is scheduled for August 28th.  To sign up and to learn more about the workshop, please visit the event registration page by clicking here.